Informations according to Section 5 German Telemedia Act:
allpccloud GmbH
HRB 34057 Amtsgericht Wuppertal
Managing director: Dr. Markus Finck
Johannes-Flintrop-Str. 9840822 Mettmann
VAT information:
VAT identification number according to section 27a German Value Added Tax Act: DE316879194
Information regarding the Professional Liability Insurance:
Name and seat of the insurer:
Markel International Insurance
General director: Frederik Wulff
Sophienstr. 26
80333 München
Dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution:
We are not obliged to participate in this platform and we do not participate.
Liability for content
According to Section 7 par. 1 German Telemedia Act, our responsibility for the content of these websites is governed by the statutory law. According to Sections 8 and 10, we are not obliged to control the transferred or saved data of other persons, or to research for facts that could be an indication of illegal actions of other person.
This does not concern the general obligations resulting from the general statutory law regarding the deletion or blocking of information. A liability regarding such information does not exist before we receive knowledge of a specific illegal action. We will delete such information immediately upon receiving knowledge thereof.
Liability for links
Our websites contain links to external website of other persons. We do not have influence on the content of such external websites and we are not responsible for their content. The owner or provider of such external websites is responsible for their content. The external websites, which are linked on our websites, were examined regarding the possible violations of law at the time of the linking and such content violating the law was not detected.
It is not feasible to constantly examine the content of external linked websites without specific indication of a violation of law. We will delete the respective links upon knowledge immediately.
The content of our websites is governed by the German Copyright Law. Any replication, editing, distribution or exploitation exceeding the limits of the Copyright need a written consent of the respective author/creator. Downloading or copying our websites is forbidden unless it is done for private, non-commercial use.
As far as the content of our websites was not created by us, the copyrights of other persons are respected on our websites. In particular, we declared such content as content from other persons. Should you encounter an infringement of other persons’ copyrights, please notify us. We will delete such content immediately.
Image references
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